New Zealand’s largest and most trusted three waters provider.

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Citycare Board Appointment

We deliver

22 December 2020

The Board of Christchurch City Holdings Limited (CCHL), the wholly owned investment arm of Christchurch City Council and shareholder in CityCare Ltd, has appointed Kevin Young to the Board of Citycare effective 1 January 2021.

The CityCare Ltd Board is delighted with the appointment of Kevin given his significant sector expertise.

Citycare Water is one of New Zealand’s largest and most trusted three waters providers, maintaining over 20,000km of piping networks to over 25% of properties throughout the country. Kevin brings a wealth of water infrastructure sector experience to the Board.

Kevin is currently a non-executive Director of TasWater in Tasmania and Deputy Chair of WaterAid Australia. TasWater provides water and sewerage services in Tasmania. The business manages over $2 billion in assets, 6,403km of water mains, 4,782km of sewer mains and 62 drinking water systems.

Kevin was previously Managing Director of Sydney Water, the largest water utility in Australia, and Hunter Water Corporation. Sydney Water manages water and wastewater services for the greater Sydney area serving over 5 million people.

New Zealand is at the early stages of comprehensive three waters reform and Citycare Water is gearing operations to continue to play a significant role in the sector. It is our goal to position Citycare Water as an invaluable partner for Local Authorities and their Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) in the three waters space and Kevin’s sector expertise will assist in achieving that goal.

I welcome Kevin on board.

Bryan Jamison, Executive Chair of CityCare Ltd


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Kevin Young