Mother Nature sometimes needs a helping hand and there were helpers galore involved in the Mother of All Clean-ups 2022 in Christchurch recently.
The 44 groups of community volunteers successfully cleared 376 bags of rubbish and 267 large items weighing 1,800kg from the city’s waterways, beaches and harbourside.
Their amazing efforts were supported by a 12-strong team from Citycare Water’s Land Drainage Team and Citycare Water also donated 500 rubbish bags for the waterways and coastal clean-up.
The Ōtākaro/Avon and Ōpāwaho/Heathcote rivers, the Estuary, Lyttelton Harbour basin and New Brighton Beach were among the 52 sites cleared.
Kudos to the event organisers the Estuary Trust, Ōpāwaho/Heathcote River Network, Conservation Volunteers NZ, Whaka Ora-Healthy Harbours, Sustainable Coastlines NZ and Avon-Ōtākaro Network and the 656 volunteers.
Helene Mautner, Ōpāwaho/Heathcote River Network coordinator noted: “It is encouraging to see so many people becoming more aware of the importance of cleaning up our waterways – a nice gift to Mother Nature on Mother’s Day weekend.”
A new 80-hectare village in Karaka, South Auckland, with 850 homes to be built over the next eight years, will benefit from the latest smart meter technology in its water infrastructure.
Ivy Araujo and Amber Byrnes from the Citycare Water Christchurch team are sharing their career stories for the Christchurch City Holdings Ltd Te Puna Manawa programme, which aims to inspire female leadership in our wider council-owned organisations.